Tonight is the night. You are going to a very important social event. You have to look your best. Your clothes are piled high on your bed, you tried on everything you have and picked out the ideal outfit for a flawless look. Even your makeup is impeccable, and than you saw “it,” there it was, no matter what you do or wear, “it” is there. That dreaded, hanging, “turkey neck.” You have been thinking of having a facelift, but at least for tonight, it is not an option. So you look through your clothes again and find a high neck outfit, but it just isn’t right for the occasion. Your next step is to accentuate other parts of your face. So you play up your eyes, more shadow, more mascara, but it doesn’t help. The eyes look droopy, the lids are hanging heavily over your false lashes, and the brows are just not as high as they use to be. What do you do? Is there a solution?
Yes there is, but first I must tell you about Becky.
My friend Becky had passport pictures taken, glanced at the photos and became very depressed. She looked years older, even though she stretched her neck as much as she could that dangling double chin just would not go away. Writing beauty columns, I felt responsible for finding a solution. After a few minutes, I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the nearest store. Once at the store, she followed me up and down the isles not understanding what I was so excited about. But before I had a chance to explain to her my madness, I exclaimed “I found it! I found it!” There it was, snuggled between Band-Aids and bandages, the one and only, the one I have been looking for, the “magic tape.” The one the stars don’t want you to know about. Not quite your ordinary X-mas gift wrapping tape, nor the tape you use for your children’s projects, but non the less….The Tape.
Becky and I went to a quiet corner. While she was lifting her hair, I tore off 5 inches of tape, pulled back the skin under the ear, and glued one side of the tape there. I than stretched the tape slightly, pulled back the skin under her other ear, and attached the other side of the tape. Believe it or not, within minutes, my friend had a face-lift, felt great, and went to have her passport pictures retaken.
There you have it, the solution.
After experimenting with at least 30 different tapes, I found the one I like. This tape is strong, clear, not shiny and has a slight elasticity to it. You can use it as described above. Or, you can lift your brows and eyes and even get rid of your jowls, temporarily of course. Keep in mind, it works best on those who need a slight tightening. Those who want a face-lift, but are not quite there yet.
Go ahead, have fun with the tape. I did, for a while I couldn’t stop taping the faces of all my friends.
f you have any questions, suggestions, tricks or tips please email me at
My Promise to you – if I don’t know an answer to your question I will contact every expert and physician I know to bring you one.
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